Human Resource Knuggets

Mar 24, 2024

Dear HR Professionals,

In this week’s newsletter, we bring you the latest insights and trends in human resource management that can help you strategize and enhance the effectiveness of your organization.

One of the key themes that emerged from our content is the importance of building trust and awareness in the workplace. According to a report by PwC, companies tend to overestimate their employees’ trust, which can have detrimental effects on business. This highlights the need for HR to focus on building a culture of trust and transparency within the organization to ensure that employees are fully engaged and motivated to contribute their best. Additionally, the lack of awareness of workplace neurodiversity among US workers indicates the need for HR to provide training and support for managing and working with neurodivergent employees, thereby fostering inclusivity and understanding in the workplace.

Another important theme is the impact of new technologies and AI on the workforce. With 80% of companies investing in AI, there is a clear need for HR to develop expertise in leveraging these technologies to drive organizational success. However, half of the companies are unsure of how to effectively use AI, which points to the importance of HR in bridging this gap through training and development initiatives. HR can play a strategic role in guiding the organization in adopting responsible AI and ensuring that employees are equipped to embrace these technological advancements.

Furthermore, the concept of the ‘right to disconnect’ and the impact of excessive meetings on productivity are emerging trends that HR professionals need to consider. Companies in the US may lead the ‘right to disconnect’ movement, emphasizing the need for HR to promote a healthy work-life balance and address the impact of technology on employee well-being. Additionally, the recognition of meetings as the number one barrier to productivity underscores the importance of HR in promoting effective meeting practices and fostering a culture of productivity and efficiency.

In conclusion, the themes highlighted in this week’s newsletter shed light on the evolving landscape of human resource management and the strategic role that HR professionals can play in driving organizational success. By focusing on building trust, embracing new technologies, and promoting employee well-being, HR can contribute to creating a positive and productive work environment.


[Your Name]


1. Building trust and awareness in the workplace

2. Impact of new technologies and AI on the workforce

3. ‘Right to disconnect’ and the impact of excessive meetings on productivity


– Title: Weekender: Companies overestimate their employees’ trust. That’s bad for business, PwC says.


– Title: Weekender: In the US, companies may lead the ‘right to disconnect’ movement, leaders says


Stay Well!
