Our Services

CyberSecurity Consulting

Delivers tailored expertise to a wide range of clients, including NGOs, SMEs, MNCs, and government agencies, with consultants boasting over 20 years of experience. Our approach prioritizes cost-effective solutions that protect digital assets and information. We work closely with clients to create customized strategies that balance security and growth. We are also partner of KnowBe4 - Automated solution designed to empower organisations by ensuring consistent and effective cybersecurity training for their staff.
Join us in securing your digital landscape for the future.

ExploreAI Platform

ExploreAI, the intuitive and user-friendly platform designed to enable your exploration of artificial intelligence for your business. ExploreAI makes it simple to experiment with your own data through customisable prompts, encouraging collaboration among colleagues in a controlled environment. Start your AI journey with ExploreAI today!


Revolutionising productivity with AI powered SummyMonkey! Summy can auto transcribe and generate minutes of audio files, summarise emails and collate emails. Say goodbye to time-consuming tasks as SummyMonkey transforms hours of work into minutes of results. Whether it's turning audio into accurate text, condensing lengthy emails into concise summaries, or effortlessly compiling scattered emails, Summy will boosts your efficiency, and ensures you focus on what truly matters.

Curated by SummyMonkey

CyberSecurity Knuggets

Jul 26, 2024 I recently came across some concerning news in the cybersecurity world. Firstly, researchers have disclosed a privilege escalation vulnerability impacting Google Cloud Platform’s Cloud Functions service, which could potentially lead to an attack. Additionally, a critical flaw in Docker Engine has been identified, allowing attackers to bypass

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Jul 25, 2024 I just heard about a major cybersecurity incident in Lviv, Ukraine, where Russian ICS malware cut off heating and hot water to over 600 apartment buildings, leaving more than 100,000 people without heating for almost two days. The attack used a new malware strain named FrostyGoop and

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