Human Resource Knuggets

Mar 17, 2024

Dear HR Professionals,

In today’s newsletter, we will discuss the latest trends and insights in human resource management that can be strategic and effective for your organization. The three main themes we will cover are “Employee Benefits,” “Talent Acquisition and Development,” and “Inclusion and Fairness in the Workplace.”

Employee Benefits continue to be a crucial factor in attracting and retaining top talent. A Perceptyx survey found that 59% of U.S. workers experience “benefits envy” of friends and family members’ coverage. This highlights the importance of offering competitive and attractive benefits packages to employees. Additionally, the rise in requests for paid time off, as well as the implementation of the independent contractor rule, are shaping the landscape of employee benefits. As HR professionals, it is essential to stay updated on these trends and adapt the organization’s benefits strategy to meet the evolving needs of employees.

Talent Acquisition and Development remains a priority for organizations, as the success of any organization relies on its ability to attract, retain, and develop top talent. The Biden administration’s announcement of an expansion of registered apprenticeships, the focus on work design changes, and the lack of career development for women are all key areas of concern and opportunity for HR professionals. It is crucial to invest in talent development programs and create an inclusive environment that supports the growth and advancement of all employees.

Inclusion and Fairness in the Workplace is a critical theme that HR professionals must prioritize. Kristy Lilas, VP of DIB at GoDaddy, outlined best practices for inclusion that don’t solely rely on self-advocacy, emphasizing the need for proactive efforts to create an inclusive workplace culture. The lack of career development holding back women from leadership positions and the issue of fair pay for women also underscore the importance of addressing gender disparities in the workplace. HR professionals should focus on implementing policies and initiatives that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within the organization.

In conclusion, staying informed and proactive in addressing these themes can contribute to the strategic and effective management of human resources within the organization. By prioritizing competitive employee benefits, investing in talent acquisition and development, and promoting inclusion and fairness in the workplace, HR professionals can contribute to the overall success and growth of the organization.

Thank you for reading today’s newsletter, and we hope you find these insights valuable for your HR management practices.


[Your Name]


1. Employee Benefits: The importance of offering competitive and attractive benefits packages to employees and adapting the organization’s benefits strategy.

2. Talent Acquisition and Development: Investing in talent development programs and creating an inclusive environment that supports the growth and advancement of all employees.

3. Inclusion and Fairness in the Workplace: Implementing policies and initiatives that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within the organization.


1. “Weekender: What is the ‘magic trifecta’ of employee benefits?” from

2. “Weekender: Why we should stop telling employees to advocate for themselves” from

Stay Well!
