Human Resource Knuggets

May 09, 2024

Dear HR Professionals,

In this issue, we will explore the latest trends and ideas in human resource management that can help you strategically enhance your organization’s performance and effectiveness. We will focus on three main themes: HR operating models, employee benefits, and digital employee experience.

Firstly, let’s delve into the HR operating models. The traditional ‘Ulrich HR operating model’ of the 90s may not be as relevant in today’s rapidly evolving landscape. The CIPD’s latest podcast discusses the future of HR operating models, and it’s essential for HR professionals to consider whether their HR operating model is future-fit and aligned with emerging trends and drivers of change. This can be strategic for organizations as it ensures that their HR function is agile and responsive to the evolving needs of the workforce and the business.

Secondly, employee benefits play a crucial role in attracting and retaining talent. It’s important for HR professionals to carefully consider the introduction of new employee benefits to ensure they offer value and contribute to improved employee wellbeing. By strategically aligning employee benefits with the needs and preferences of the workforce, organizations can create a competitive advantage in talent acquisition and retention.

Lastly, the digital employee experience is a new trending idea in human resource management. Offering a digital employee experience is not enough; it’s about creating the right kind of digital employee experience that positively impacts engagement, performance, and workplace satisfaction. HR professionals can strategically enhance the digital employee experience by implementing practical strategies for designing a digital workplace that fosters productivity, collaboration, and retention.

In addition to these themes, it’s also important for HR professionals to address conflict management, automation, and workers’ rights as part of their strategic initiatives. Conflict management through mediation can prevent negative impacts on organizational culture, while effectively supporting the workforce in the face of automation and changes in workers’ rights can position the HR function as a strategic partner in driving organizational success.

To further enhance your professional development, we encourage you to explore the upcoming webinars and events that focus on embracing AI for future-ready workplaces, maintaining resilience in job hunting, and understanding the evolving relationship between people and AI in the context of work. These learning opportunities can equip HR professionals with the knowledge and skills to navigate the transformative changes in the workplace.

In conclusion, as HR professionals, it’s crucial to stay abreast of the latest trends and ideas in human resource management to strategically drive organizational success. By aligning HR operating models, employee benefits, and the digital employee experience with the evolving needs of the workforce and the business, HR professionals can play a pivotal role in shaping the future of work.


[Your Name]

Themes Description
HR Operating Models The traditional ‘Ulrich HR operating model’ may not be relevant in today’s landscape, and HR professionals need to consider if their model is future-fit and aligned with emerging trends and drivers of change.
Employee Benefits Careful consideration of new employee benefits is essential to attract and retain talent and create a competitive advantage in talent acquisition and retention.
Digital Employee Experience Creating the right kind of digital employee experience that positively impacts engagement, performance, and workplace satisfaction is a new trending idea in human resource management.

Email Sources:

1. HR’s next top operating models (

2. Can’t stop thinking about that health benefits line item on your P&L? (

3. Why are US employee engagement levels staying stagnant? (

4. What is the power of HR role modelling flexible working? (

5. “You can sit on my lap” and other inappropriate “jokes” (

6. LAST CHANCE | HR Documentation Dos & Don’ts (

7. Unleash Your Inner Executives (

8. May 8 – NLRB resumes joint employer fight | Insurance groups challenge fiduciary (

Stay Well!
