Healthcare Knuggets
Oct 18, 2024
Hey there! I’ve got some exciting healthcare news to share with you. First off, there’s a groundbreaking study that found kidney transplants from donors with HIV to be a viable option for those who already have the virus. This is a game-changer for people with HIV who need kidneys, as historically, transplanting kidneys from donors with HIV has been banned in the U.S.
In other news, efforts to get doctors to register their patients to vote are getting some attention as Election Day nears. It’s all part of an initiative to promote voting as a “social determinant” of health, fostering a sense of belonging and influencing the allocation of medical resources. And speaking of influencing health outcomes, several state Medicaid programs will soon cover Indigenous healing practices used by Native Americans, recognizing the importance of traditional healing methods in improving patient outcomes.
On the healthcare innovation front, there’s a lot of buzz around GLP-1 medications for obesity and diabetes. Private equity firms are taking notice and pulling back from investing in consumer companies that could be negatively impacted by the GLP-1 boom. This is a sign of the growing influence of health trends in the investment world.
And lastly, the FDA has halted a trial of a combination vaccine for COVID and influenza after a participant suffered a serious adverse event. This is a reminder of the challenges and setbacks that come with developing new vaccines, but it’s all part of the ongoing effort to find effective solutions to combat COVID and other illnesses.
There’s so much happening in the world of healthcare, and it’s all about pushing the boundaries of what’s possible and finding new ways to improve patient care. I’m excited to see what the future holds for healthcare innovation and how it will continue to positively impact people’s lives.
Take care and stay healthy,
Stay Well!