Healthcare Knuggets
Oct 06, 2024
Hey there! I just heard some interesting news about how falls may increase the risk of dementia in older adults. A new study suggests that older adults who have experienced a traumatic injury after a fall are 21 percent more likely to later receive a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease or another related dementia. This is some important information to keep in mind, especially for those caring for older adults or for those who may be at risk themselves.
In other health news, there’s a podcast episode that investigates whether tampons and pads contain toxic metals, like lead, and if they are safe to use. This is an important topic for many people, and it’s great to see it being discussed and explored.
Also, the newsletter mentioned some popular topics with readers, including information on agitated depression, WPS Medigap plans, TRICARE for Life Medicare Advantage plans, full-spectrum CBD, and sepsis. It’s great to see a variety of important health topics being covered and discussed.
As always, it’s important to remember that the information provided in the newsletter is for informational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for medical advice from a healthcare professional. It’s always best to make any treatment decisions with the guidance of a healthcare professional.
That’s all for now. Stay informed and take care of your health!
Stay Well!