Healthcare Knuggets

Jun 06, 2024

I’m excited to share some fantastic news from the healthcare industry. It looks like Dharmais Cancer Hospital is leading the way in cancer treatment innovation in Indonesia, unveiling advanced technology and seven flagship programmes for cancer treatment. And MakatiMed is making strides with their Da Vinci Xi robotic system, allowing for minimally invasive techniques in various types of surgery. The focus on holistic care at a reasonable price at Healthway Cancer Care Hospital is also a big win for patients.

Additionally, it’s amazing to see the significant market growth in the tumour ablation market, with the liver cancer segment expected to witness notable growth. And the investment of $106.5m for women’s sexual and reproductive care in Australia is a step in the right direction for improving healthcare access.

On another note, the biggest ever study on service dogs for veterans with PTSD is a promising development, showing that veterans with PTSD experience less severe symptoms and significantly less depression and anxiety when they have a psychiatric service dog. This is a major win for mental health treatment.

And it’s great to see the focus on addressing the housing affordability crisis as a major health care concern, with health insurers investing hundreds of millions of dollars into building new affordable housing units. This will translate to healthier communities and less costly enrollees.

Overall, it’s really inspiring to see so many positive developments in the healthcare industry. Let’s keep spreading the good news and working towards a healthier future for everyone.

Take care,


Stay Well!
