Healthcare Knuggets

May 20, 2024

Hey there,

I have some fantastic news to share with you! There’s an upcoming virtual event on May 21st at 11 a.m. EDT to discuss practical solutions to overcome the information gap in women’s health. Studies have shown that 1 in 5 women is living with at least one chronic disease, and this event aims to address the challenges faced by pregnant or breastfeeding women. You’ll have the opportunity to hear from experts in the field, so mark your calendars!

In addition, there’s some valuable information on cataract surgery. Did you know that cataract surgery is one of the oldest procedures still being performed today? The advancement in this field has led to the use of small incisions and suction to remove the cloudy lens and replace it with an artificial plastic lens. If you or someone you know is considering cataract surgery, this information could be very helpful.

There’s more good news for fitness enthusiasts! A recent study suggests that elite runners capable of running a sub-4-minute mile may actually live up to 5 years longer than the general population. Even if you’re not an elite runner, there are some healthy habits you can incorporate into your own life, such as regular, intense exercise and maintaining a balanced diet.

And last but not least, I’m excited to share that the experts at Harvard Medical School have put together a Special Health Report on stretching and flexibility. This report includes doctor-recommended stretches to ease pain and improve flexibility, so if you’re dealing with sore muscles or achy joints, this could be a game-changer.

I hope you find this information as exciting as I do. Stay informed and stay healthy!


Stay Well!
