Healthcare Knuggets

May 10, 2024

Hey there, healthcare enthusiasts! Here’s the latest update on what’s happening in the world of health and medicine. It looks like some nurses are pushing for a federal solution to designate nursing as a STEM field, which could unlock funding for recruitment programs and expand opportunities for international students. This move could really help stabilize and grow the nursing profession, especially as nurses are leaving the workforce in large numbers.

In other news, experts are reminding us that the pandemic is not over yet, with new variants like FLiRT still circulating and evolving. While the COVID outlook is currently the best it’s been in four years, there’s still some uncertainty about the virus’s evolution and the potential for a summer wave. On a more positive note, AI-driven “biosurveillance” is being seen as a potential tool to spot the next pandemic or biological attack, offering hope for better monitoring and response in the future.

Additionally, a new study has highlighted the staggering toll of the drug epidemic on children in the U.S., with more than 320,000 children losing a parent to drug overdose in the past decade. This underscores the urgent need for policy responses to address the impact on families and support children who have lost parents to overdose.

Lastly, the pain and stiffness of arthritis can make it difficult to perform daily tasks, but range-of-motion exercises can help improve mobility and reduce discomfort. So, let’s keep staying informed, taking care of our health, and supporting those who are working to make a difference in healthcare.

Stay healthy and positive,


Stay Well!
