Finance Knuggets

Mar 18, 2024

I have recently been informed about the current best fixed deposit rates in Singapore, which are offering a yield of 3.80%. There is also a discussion on the potential direction of interest rates, whether they will go up or down. In addition, there is a comparison between T-Bills and Fixed Deposits, with T-Bills being considered a better buy in the current market. Furthermore, there is a report on DBS Bank paying a 7.0% dividend yield after bonus shares and whether it is a better investment compared to OCBC or UOB Bank.

Another piece of news I have received is regarding the key household income trends for Singapore households in 2023. It highlights the overall income growth for most households, which is being eroded by inflation. Additionally, there is information on the most popular home features that home buyers are seeking at present, as well as the impact of Medicare enrollment on the markets. The email also discusses the growth of Medicare Advantage enrollment and slowing growth trends, as well as a guide to opening a Roth IRA in five simple steps.

Lastly, the email includes updates on the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) making new inroads amid old uncertainties. This encompasses new concerns about a China canal, triple Southeast Asia summits, growing Mekong counterscam scrutiny, trade restriction backlash, and regional hub wars. It also covers the geopolitical and geoeconomic significance of the recent inroads announced at the IPEF ministerial, and a discussion on evolving geopolitical, geoeconomic, and security trends.

Stay Well!
