Finance Knuggets

Feb 21, 2024

I read about the nominations being open for the Asian Technology Excellence Awards 2024, aimed at recognizing outstanding tech initiatives. Submissions are accepted until 17th May 2024, and the awards ceremony is set for September 2024 in Bangkok, Thailand. There’s also a press release showcasing the outstanding tech innovations that can be submitted for consideration.

I also learned about how a gray divorce can affect social security benefits and the best target-date fund families for retirement. The article also discussed the earned income tax credit and provided tips on visiting Disney World on a budget. Additionally, it highlighted the benefits of having a retirement income plan and discussed venture capital and the need for a financial advisor based on household assets.

I came across an interesting article about the takeover of Twitter by Elon Musk and the events that led to it. The book “Battle for the Bird” by Bloomberg’s Kurt Wagner explores how Twitter’s co-founder Jack Dorsey’s disillusionment, coupled with his growing respect for Musk, set the stage for the takeover. Additionally, there was news about Capital One’s acquisition of Discover Financial in a $35.3 billion all-stock transaction, and various venture capital deals and fundraising activities in the market.

In the latest financial news, I learned about Bill Ackman’s successful investment strategy. He made $610 million last year by barely touching his portfolio of just 10 stocks. This approach allowed him to earn a 26.7% gain, exceeding the returns of other hedge funds. His success validates his shift to a quieter approach and bringing in a chief investment officer to help run his fund.

Lastly, there’s an ongoing insider trading case against Matthew Panuwat, who is accused of shadow trading on merger news. This case has become the latest test of insider-trading law, as courts are deciding what constitutes insider trading in the context of executives making well-timed bets in the shares of other companies. The outcome of this case could have significant implications for future insider trading cases.

Stay Well!
