CyberSecurity Knuggets

Apr 16, 2024

Today, I heard about a critical zero-day vulnerability affecting Palo Alto Networks’ GlobalProtect VPN product, which allows an unauthenticated attacker to execute arbitrary code with root privileges on the firewall. It’s been assigned a CVE-2024-3400 and has a CVSS score of 10.0. The company has started issuing hotfixes for the flaw, but there’s already been exploitation by a threat actor known as UTA0218, who was able to remotely exploit the firewall device, create a reverse shell, and download further tools onto the device. This is definitely a major issue that requires immediate attention, as additional threat actors may attempt exploitation in the future.

In other news, two men have been arrested for allegedly developing and distributing the Firebird remote access Trojan (also known as “Hive”). One of the individuals lived in Australia, while the other was a resident of California. This is a significant development in the fight against cybercrime, but it also raises concerns about the prevalence of malware developers and distributors operating globally.

Additionally, Ukraine-linked hackers have deployed ICS malware against a Russian infrastructure company, damaging at least 500 sensor gateways. While the claim of damaging 87,000 remote sensors and IoT devices may be exaggerated, the fact that critical infrastructure is being targeted in this way is alarming and requires immediate attention to prevent further damage or escalations in cyber conflict.

These are just a few of the recent cybersecurity incidents and developments that underscore the ongoing and evolving threats in the digital space. It’s clear that continued vigilance and proactive measures are essential to protect against these types of attacks and disruptions to critical infrastructure.

Stay Well!
