CyberSecurity Knuggets

Mar 19, 2024

Today’s cybersecurity news is filled with concerning incidents that require immediate attention. Microsoft has developed a new security protection for its Edge web browser to prevent sandbox escape attacks, which is a crucial update for users to implement as soon as it becomes available. France’s unemployment agency has suffered a cyberattack resulting in the theft of the personal data of nearly 43 million people, highlighting the ongoing threat of cyberattacks and the need for organizations to strengthen their security measures.

In tech and privacy news, McDonald’s experienced an IT outage attributed to a third-party provider, raising concerns about the reliance on third-party providers and the potential impact of such outages on businesses and consumers. Additionally, Twitter has lost its Brand Safety certification due to an influx of malicious ads redirecting users to crypto-scams, emphasizing the need for enhanced security measures to protect consumers.

In government and policy news, the Biden administration has requested $13 billion to fund cybersecurity programs across multiple US federal agencies, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing cybersecurity at the national level. The FCC has also adopted a voluntary cybersecurity labeling scheme for internet-connected devices, aiming to enhance the security of connected devices and protect consumers from potential vulnerabilities.

Furthermore, there are concerning vulnerabilities and new attacks in the cybersecurity landscape that require immediate attention, including a vulnerability in large language models, a new attack called GhostRace that exploits speculative execution mechanisms in modern computer processors, an acoustic side-channel attack on keyboards, and a new campaign by North Korea’s Kimsuky group targeting South Korean victims. These incidents underscore the urgent need for comprehensive and proactive cybersecurity measures to safeguard individuals, organizations, and critical infrastructure from cyber threats.

Stay Well!
