Human Resource Knuggets

Feb 02, 2024

Dear HR Professionals,

As we continue to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of human resource management, it’s crucial to stay informed about the latest trends and strategies that can drive success for our organizations. In today’s newsletter, we’ll explore three key themes that have emerged from recent content, including employee retention strategies, legal considerations, and the importance of managing mergers and acquisitions. Let’s delve into each of these themes and uncover how they can be leveraged to drive strategic and effective HR management.

Employee retention continues to be a top priority for HR leaders, and Pamela Fagan Shull’s upcoming webinar on the role of Human Capital Management (HCM) in employee retention and turnover reduction offers valuable insights. From addressing burning questions that keep HR leaders up at night to mastering the art of collecting and analyzing turnover data, this webinar promises to provide actionable strategies for reducing employee turnover and streamlining the onboarding process. By leveraging HCM systems as a competitive advantage in the labor market, HR professionals can gain a deeper understanding of their workforce and implement effective retention strategies.

In the realm of legal considerations, HR professionals are constantly faced with grey areas in employment law. HRMorning’s “You Be the Judge” quizzes offer a unique way to sharpen judgment and gain clarity on how the courts interpret these grey areas. By training managers to handle HR problems confidently and correctly, organizations can mitigate the risk of expensive lawsuits. Additionally, staying informed about new employment and labor laws coming into effect in 2024 is essential for guiding company policy and practices, particularly in the U.S., U.K., and Canada.

Mergers and acquisitions (M&As;) present unique challenges for HR professionals, and it’s crucial to understand the vital role that HR plays in the success of these ventures. With insights from M&A; veteran Cillian Dore, HR professionals can learn how to ensure the success of new joint ventures through effective people management strategies. By proactively addressing the impact of M&As; on organizational culture, employee engagement, and talent retention, HR can drive the success of these transitions and contribute to overall business success.

In conclusion, staying abreast of employee retention strategies, legal considerations, and the role of HR in M&As; is essential for driving strategic and effective human resource management. By leveraging these insights and implementing best practices, HR professionals can contribute to a thriving organizational culture, mitigate legal risks, and drive success in times of transition and change.


[Your Name]

Theme Description
Employee Retention Strategies Pamela Fagan Shull’s webinar on the pivotal role of Human Capital Management (HCM) in reducing employee turnover and streamlining onboarding processes. Leveraging HCM systems as a competitive advantage in the labor market.
Legal Considerations HRMorning’s “You Be the Judge” quizzes for sharpening judgment on employment law grey areas. Staying informed about new employment and labor laws coming into effect in 2024 in the U.S., U.K., and Canada.
HR’s Role in Mergers and Acquisitions Understanding the vital role of HR in the success of M&As; through insights from M&A; veteran Cillian Dore. Proactively addressing the impact of M&As; on organizational culture, employee engagement, and talent retention.


– “INSIDE! Shockingly simple employee retention strategies” from

– “Golf pro who sent inappropriate Facebook message to colleague was unfairly dismissed, tribunal rules” from

– “How confident are you in employment law grey areas?” from

– “Six steps to help grow engagement and retention” from

– “Your roadmap to successful HR transformations” from

– “Is your workforce financially fragile?” from

– “Congratulations on your new hire, but have you thought about the next step?” from

– “HR’s Vital Role In M&As Explained” from

Stay Well!
